The conventual muses

The conventual muses

Marta Fumagalli (CO), mezzosoprano
Lisa Soardi (BS), therbo
Maria Cecilia Farina (PV), organ
Aida Talliente (UD), actress

In collaboration with Udine Municipality (UD) and with S. Quirino Parish in Udine (UD)



I. Leonarda (1620-1704)
Venite laetantes (from Opera XX) (*)

C.M. Cozzolani (1602-1678)
O quam bonum (from Concerti Sacri - 1642) (*)

C.F. Rusca (1593-1676)
Canzon Prima detta La Borromea (**)

R.G. Badalla (1660-1710)
Vuò cercando quella speme (*)

C.F. Rusca (1593-1676)
Canzon Seconda, à 4 (**)

I. Leonarda (1620-1704)
O Domine (from Opera VI) (*)


(*) alto and continuous bass
(**) organ only

Event Information

Event Date 11-08-2024, 18:00
Capacity Unlimited