Cappella Musicale Albino Perosa from Mortegliano
Davide Mariano (CB), organ
Gilberto Della Negra (UD), conductor
In collaboration with S. Maria Maggiore Parish in Codroipo (UD)
J.S. Bach (1685-1750)
Preludio in re minore BWV 539/1
Fantasia super Komm heiliger Geist BWV 651
canto fermo in Pedal in Organo pleno
Komm heiliger Geist BWV 652
alio modo a 2 Clav. et Ped.
An Wasserflüßen Babylon BWV 653
a 2 Clav. et Pedal
Schmücke dich o liebe Seele BWV 654
a 2 Clav. et Pedal
Trio super Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend BWV 655
a 2 Clav. et Pedal
O Lamm Gottes unschuldig BWV 656
3 Versus
Nun danket alle Gott BWV 657
a 2 Clav. et Ped. canto fermo in Soprano
Von Gott will ich nicht lassen BWV 658
canto fermo in Pedal
Fuga in re minore BWV 539/2
Event Date | 18-05-2024, 20:45 |
Capacity | Unlimited |
Location | Church of S. Valeriano - Codroipo (UD) |