Concerto for guitar, harpsichord and organ

Concerto for guitar, harpsichord and organ

On the 130th anniversary of the birth of Andrés Segovia

Nello Alessi (SR), guitar
Beppino Delle Vedove, harpsichord and organ



I. Albéniz (1860-1909)
Granada (*)
Capriccio catalano (*)

F. Correa de Arauxo (1584-1654)
Glosas sobre el Canto Llano de La Immaculada Conception de la Virgen Maria (**)

J. Cabanilles (1644-1712)
Batalla Imperial (**)

G. Frescobaldi (1583-1643)
Aria detta La Frescobalda (*)

L. de Narvàez (1490-1547)
Variazioni su Guardame las vacas (*)

G. Frescobaldi (1583-1643)
Aria detta La Frescobalda (**)

Anonimo (sec. XVI)
Cinco diferencias sobre Las vacas (**)

A. Vivaldi (1678-1741)
Largo (dal Concerto in re maggiore Rv 93) (***)

M. Ponce (1882-1948)
Prelude per Guitarra y Clavecin (***)


(*) guitar only
(**) organ only
(***) guitar and harpsichord

Event Information

Event Date 17-09-2023, 17:00
Capacity Unlimited