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Other concerts of the Festival

Concerto for brass and organ

Concerto for brass and organ

Giles Farnaby Brass (UD), brass quintet
Lorenzo Merluzzi, trumpet
Andrea Brusini, trumpet
Armando Tion, horn
Giovanni Ziraldo, trombone
Piero Basso, tuba

Alberto Pez (UD), organ


Presentation of the VIII International Organ Competition Organi Storici del Basso Friuli
23-27 September 2024
In memory of Dino Del Ponte, creator and promoter of the Competition

In collaboration with Muzzana del Turgnano Municipality and with S. Vitale Parish in Muzzana del Turgnano (UD)



C. Monteverdi (1567-1643)
Music from Orfeo (*)

L. Maurer (1789-1878)
Three Pieces (*)
Maestosa alla Marcia
Andante con moto
Allegro grazioso, un poco agitato

E. Mc Dowell (1861-1908)
To a Wild Rose (*)

G. Frescobaldi (1583-1643)
Canzona IV (**)

G.F. Händel (1685-1759)
Suite de Water Music (***)
Ouverture - Hornpipe - Trumpet minuet - Bourrée - Marche

P. Morandi (1745-1815)
Concerto X (**)

P. Mascagni (1863-1945)
Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana (***)

J. Clarke (1674-1707)
The Prince of Denmark's March (***)


(*) brass quintet only
(**) organ only
(***) brass quintet and organ

Event Information

Event Date 06-07-2024, 20:30
Capacity Unlimited