J.S. Bach - The 18 Leipzig Chorales

Cappella Musicale Albino Perosa from Mortegliano
Davide Mariano (CB), organ
Gilberto Della Negra (UD), conductor
In collaboration with S. Maria Maggiore Parish in Codroipo (UD)
J.S. Bach (1685-1750)
Preludio in re minore BWV 539/1
Fantasia super Komm heiliger Geist BWV 651
canto fermo in Pedal in Organo pleno
Komm heiliger Geist BWV 652
alio modo a 2 Clav. et Ped.
An Wasserflüßen Babylon BWV 653
a 2 Clav. et Pedal
Schmücke dich o liebe Seele BWV 654
a 2 Clav. et Pedal
Trio super Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend BWV 655
a 2 Clav. et Pedal
O Lamm Gottes unschuldig BWV 656
3 Versus
Nun danket alle Gott BWV 657
a 2 Clav. et Ped. canto fermo in Soprano
Von Gott will ich nicht lassen BWV 658
canto fermo in Pedal
Fuga in re minore BWV 539/2
Event Information
Event Date | 18-05-2024, 20:45 |
Capacity | Unlimited |
Location | Church of S. Valeriano - Codroipo (UD) |